Phone number 301 area code
Phone number 301 area code

phone number 301 area code

Like Microsoft, it rules that parentheses be used around the area code, with hyphens between the parts of a local number. The Associated Press Stylebook (AP) agrees with the Microsoft Manual–mostly. These numbers in parentheses are followed by the local number rendered in the style used by the particular country.

phone number 301 area code

Related: you can read our review of the Microsoft Manual of Style, 4th Edition here.įor international numbers with country and city codes, Microsoft uses one set of parentheses around the country code followed by a second set enclosing the city code, like these codes for London, England: (44) (71). Microsoft labels the all-hyphen style as incorrect and does not even mention periods or dots. To connect the parts of international phone numbers, Gregg uses hyphens.Īnother style guide, Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, recommends parentheses around the area code, with the parts of the local number separated by a hyphen, like this: Also, this format makes less sense in large metropolitan areas in which the area code is required even for local numbers.Īll these are acceptable on letterhead and business cards, according to Gregg: ( 206) 782-8410 This style is common, says Gregg, but can’t be used when the telephone number itself appears in parentheses. Gregg offers many possibilities, illustrated here:Ģ0 This format is most common, according to Gregg. The Gregg Reference Manual takes the most liberal approach. Which style or format is correct? As usual, style guides differ. Let’s discuss telephone number etiquette and try to answer the question “how to format phone numbers.” Some use periods (dots) between the parts of a telephone number while others use parentheses and hyphens.

Phone number 301 area code